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Mayor Ted Clugston learning to drive bus (Photo by Colton McKee)
Bus Roadeo

Mayor takes bus mishap in stride

Aug 23, 2019 | 11:11 AM

Medicine Hat, AB – For the first time in 20 years, the City of Medicine Hat’s transit department held a ‘Bus Roadeo’.

A chance for drivers to test their skills in a friendly competition against each other.

Members of the media and some city officials also got the chance to get behind the wheel including Mayor Ted Clugston.

“They have a skill, it makes it look a lot easier then it actually is. They are a lot longer then they seem and the back ends come out a lot further then when your taking a turn. But we had a good time and I actually did the course not too badly. Probably took out about 70 per cent of the pylons which I think is not to bad and then of course had a little accident.” Clugston laughed.