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A member of the Medicine Hat Police Service taking the plunge into the freezing cold water during the 2023 Polar Plunge. File Photo/CHAT News

Registration underway for Medicine Hat Polar Plunge in support of Special Olympics

Jan 29, 2025 | 5:20 PM

The Polar Plunge in support of Special Olympics in Medicine Hat is just over a week away.

Registration has opened to support the cause, by donating, and signing up to jump in a dumpster filled with ice cold water.

Cst. Dave Allen with the Medicine Hat Police Service is the coordinator for the Law Enforcement Torch Run, who puts on the event.

He said last year there were about 35 jumpers and they’re hoping to get 50 plungers this year.

“To register it’s $50. To donate, you can donate as much as you like,” Allen said.

“They’ll be given tax receipts for any donation over $25. And we’re trying to raise as much money as possible,” he added.

“The Special Olympics does such great work in Medicine Hat. We just want to be able to support them and be able to hand over as big a check as possible.”

All funds stay locally to help the Special Olympics with their day-to-day operations.

There will be live music playing, a barbecue, and a hot tub to warm up in after.

The public is invited to attend the event even if they aren’t participating.

Allen said you can’t take yourself too seriously when you’re jumping into frozen water.

“Everybody always does the same thing, that perilous look at the start and then the jump, and then everyone’s face is the same as they’re coming out of just like, oh my God, it’s colder than thought it was going to be,” Allen said.

“We’re all having fun with it, right? So it’s a good opportunity to raise money for a great cause with a bunch of good people and have a bit of fun with it at the same time.”

It goes Friday, Feb. 7 at Athletic Park with registration starting at 5 p.m. and the plunge time set for 5:30 p.m.

To sign up or donate visit