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The Medicine Hat Women's Shelter Society has yet to secure government funding to help cover the costs of renovations and an expansion of the shelter. MBI/

Medicine Hat women’s shelter hopeful for government cash to support renovations

Sep 20, 2024 | 4:53 PM

The Medicine Hat Women’s Shelter Society has yet to secure government funding to help cover the costs of renovations and an expansion of the shelter.

Executive Director Natasha Carvalho said Friday the society does have a loan in place to cover the cost of the project but they are hopeful a United Conservative Party election promise will come to fruition.

“Back when they were campaigning and [they said that] when they first got into power there was going to be a $10-million disbursement to all the shelters across the province,” Carvalho said.

“Some shelters did get some money — which is wonderful — but we’re sort of hoping that maybe we’ll be included in this second wave,” she added.

“We really haven’t heard any confirmation about that so we’re really hoping to have some conversations with government about that as well.”

READ: Medicine Hat Women’s Shelter Society asks for help to cover $6.8 million funding gap

The society has made presentations to and been in contact with the City of Medicine Hat and Cypress County about potential support as well.

Natasha Carvalho, executive director, Medicine Hat Women’s Shelter Society (Ross Lavigne/CHAT News)

Carvalho said the focus of the annual general meeting held on Thursday was to continue to create awareness of the renovation and the capital campaign they have going on for it to help raise funds.

She added that a lot of the money they are able to raise from the community is used to help cover the costs of their operational funding, which is covered 65 per cent by government funds.

“So we already have to meet that gap there,” Carvalho said.

“In addition we’re doing this renovation and the renovation what I really want people to recognize about it is it’s a beautiful space but really it was done out of necessity. The campaign is called, it’s about basic human needs,” she added.

“What we mean by that, it’s not about a fancy new building, it’s about making sure that we have an accessible building that’s a dignified space that people who are accessing it can access it for the long term. Sadly family violence is not going away our numbers continue to grow.”

Carvalho added they have been able to maintain services for the women’s shelter during construction.

She said the renovations were necessary to keep up with demand and to allow them to create an inclusive accessible safe space.