COUNCIL DIVIDED: The latest on council's leadership crisis and divisions since sanctions were placed on the mayor.
Premier Danielle Smith recently met with Nicole Frey and her husband. Courtesy: Nicole Frey

Medicine Hat resident who launched recall petition meets with premier

Jun 10, 2024 | 1:00 PM

Nicole Frey, a Medicine Hat resident known for her fierce criticism of city council, said Monday that Premier Danielle Smith was receptive to her concerns over the city’s levels of transparency and accountability in a recent meeting the two had.

Frey, who has been outspoken about the city government since the utility rates crisis of summer 2023, is embroiled in a public battle with city hall over what she says is a lack of transparency, accountability and integrity.

The City of Medicine Hat says its staff have been overwhelmed by Frey’s freedom of information and privacy requests and many emails since last August. The city formally limited communication with Frey in late 2023 to protect the mental health of its employees.

But Frey recently found success when the city was denied its ask to the privacy commissioner to ignore her information requests. Frey received some of the files she asked for last week and posted them publicly.

Nicole Frey says council has not been transparent with residents. File Photo/CHAT News

Late last week, Frey met with Smith.

“Something amazing happened that restored my faith we, the concerned citizens, are not in this alone. I met with the premier,” Frey wrote in a statement shared with CHAT News and posted to social media.

Frey said that Smith demonstrated a willingness to listen that other local officials have not been as receptive to.

While the basis for the meeting was for Frey to give feedback on mayoral recall petition process, they also spoke about the sanctions placed on Mayor Linnsie Clark by council earlier this year and Clark’s attempt to get staff and salary expense information brought into a public meeting.

Frey said Medicine Hat’s council is now being closely watched by the provincial government.

“It’s validating and reassuring to know our council is being watched closely and that the province does have concerns about their conduct,” she wrote in the statement.

For Frey, it was an emotional experience, too.

“I cried at the end, just from the relief of being heard and having an opportunity to tell, based on my perception of my experiences, what I’ve been through,” Frey told CHAT News.

“So, it was great.”

City Manager Ann Mitchell, in response to a request for comment on Frey’s meeting with Smith, said she supported residents having conversations with local officials.

“We encourage all residents to find opportunities to engage with their elected officials in meaningful dialogue as it is fundamental to the democratic process,” Mitchell said in a statement to CHAT News.

“We won’t see eye to eye on every issue, but sharing constructive thoughts and ideas ensures government understands the needs and aspirations of the people it serves.”

A spokesperson for the premier has not yet responded to a CHAT News request for comment.

Meeting with the premier gives Frey more legitimacy, her allies and supporters say.

Daniel Marion, who was denied a request to formally address council at a public meeting, said it also indicates major challenges at council.

“The fact the leader of the entire province took time to meet with a private citizen about the activities of Medicine Hat city council speaks volumes about the poor performance,” Marion said.

“I would say there is a real issue.”

Recall petition

Frey said the reason Premier Danielle Smith wanted to meet was because of the recall petition, as part of the premier’s effort to gather feedback from those who have used them.

Smith has voiced her concerns about the threshold needed to recall a mayor under Alberta’s Municipal Government Act.

The United Conservative government has proposed broad amendments to the provincial law that sets out rules and guidelines for municipalities, and Smith has not shied away from other changes, too.

Smith in April said the recall petition process required “modifications” while speaking to a Calgary business owner who tried to recall Mayor Jyoti Gondek.

Frey’s recall petition failed in December 2023, after falling short of acquiring the signatures of 40 per cent of eligible Medicine Hat voters.

Since then, Frey has ramped up her freedom of information requests to the city.