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Medicine Hat Regional Airport/City of Medicine Hat

Medicine Hat saves cash on airport master plan after Alberta grants

Jun 4, 2024 | 12:52 AM

The City of Medicine Hat saved taxpayer dollars on the airport’s master plan in a budget amendment approved Monday after provincial grants were factored in.

City had originally set aside $250,000 in its operating budget for the master plan, key to the Medicine Hat Regional Airport‘s future growth.

But the airport received a pair of grants from the Alberta government: $150,000 from the regional airport development grant and $125,000 from the northern and regional economic development grant.

WATCH: June 3 city council meeting

Those grants do require a certain about of matching funding, so the city still paid $175,000, saving taxpayers $75,000 as it accounts for a lower cost share of the new total.

The total amount the airport has for the master plan is now $450,000, with the provincial and city funding combined. Council approved the new project budget unanimously.

Data from City of Medicine Hat staff report to city council. Graphics/CHAT News

Coun. Ramona Robins called the development “good news”, and asked airport manager Logan Boyd how the extra money from the province will help.

READ: Medicine Hat airport receives $150K from Alberta rural transportation investments

“We’re actually going to have the opportunity to do a comprehensive infrastructure audit and assessment that’s going to inform us on the state of our infrastructure,” he told council in response.

“That’s going to be really foundational down the road when we are looking at preferred developments arising from the master plan work and the later phases of the project,” he added.

“That’s going to really inform us on what’s actually feasible to do, how much it’s going to cost, what’s actually possible.”

READ: Medicine Hat airport shifting to one flight a day

Premier Danielle Smith says her Alberta government is making rural airports a priority as part of its broader transportation goals.

Smith said improving air access to medium and small cities across Alberta was a priority for the ruling United Conservatives during a business event in May.

The airport will now commence the master plan project and start assembling a team. A timeline for the process was not included with a staff report to council.

City council next meets on June 17.