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Medicine Hat Women's Shelter Society Vice President Ryan Thorburn said they are looking to help fund an over $6.5 million dollar funding gap for the Phoenix Safe House Emergency Shelter renovations and expansion. (Kevin Kyle/CHAT News)

Medicine Hat Women’s Shelter Society asks for help to cover $6.8M funding gap

May 22, 2024 | 5:12 PM

The Medicine Hat Women’s Shelter Society is looking to help minimize the funding gap for the renovations and expansion of its Phoenix Safe House Emergency Shelter.

The current gap in funding is over $6.8 million for the close to $9 million project.

The society currently has a low interest loan in place to help fund the project.

Vice President Ryan Thorburn said they are looking to reduce that debt burden to help ensure operating costs are covered.

“We are going to the provincial governments, counties, municipal governments, and our community to ask to help fill that funding gap,” Thorburn said.

The women’s shelter society currently needs to fundraise 35 percent of their budget annually, not covered by core Government of Alberta funding.

Built over 25 years ago to host 11 beds, the building was providing 30 beds in the same footprint.

The 13,648 square foot building will have 8,300 square feet renovated and an expansion of 6,534 square feet, allowing the ability to host 42 beds should the need arise.

The renovations and expansion will help accomodate the growth of the program and community needs.

Renovations include:

  • Accessible entry ways
  • Two additional barrier free bedrooms
  • One additional standard bedroom
  • Bathrooms added to all bedrooms
  • Two barrier free washrooms for common area access
  • Fire suppression system
  • Upgrades to all HVAC systems
  • Security system update

Approximately 1200 individuals are severed though the shelters programs and services annually.

The renovations and expansion are expected to be completed by February 2025.