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Connor Bosch was selected as the Grade 3 winner of the MHPS 125th Anniversary Flash coloring contest. (Medicine Hat Police Service)

Grade 3 St. Patrick’s School student wins police colouring contest

Mar 31, 2024 | 5:00 AM

A St. Patrick’s School student scored big last week.

Connor Bosch was selected as the Grade 3 winner of the Medicine Hat Police Service’s 125th Anniversary Flash coloring contest.

Connor’s design was selected by members of the MHPS as the top design out of 79 submisssion in his grade level.

To celebrate Connor and his Grade 3B class at St. Patricks School were treated to a pizza party compliments of the MHPS.

Chief Al Murphy attended and also presented Connor with one of his very own chief’s coins. There were only 200 of these coins made and Connor received the 200th coin in this collection.

In addition, Connor also received one of the 125th Anniversary flashes designed by local community member Garet Van Riper, presented by Sgt. Brian Bohrn.