Province aiming to increase access to family justice services
Officials with the Alberta government say a new Family Justice Strategy will make it easier for Albertans to deal with family court matters.
The government believes resolving family matters outside of the courts can reduce stress on children and families. Alberta’s government says it is improving the family justice system to help Albertans, particularly those who represent themselves in matters like divorces, spousal support agreements, parenting arrangements or child support orders, resolve family law issues faster.
Right now, officials say family justice services are varied across the different courts, and whether Albertans have access to certain services depends on which court or legislation their case falls under. The government says the new Family Justice Strategy will help align services in both the Alberta Court of Justice and the Court of King’s Bench of Alberta, so that Albertans can access the same types of services no matter which court they attend. Alberta’s government worked with the Alberta Court of Justice and the Court of King’s Bench of Alberta to develop this strategy.
“Alberta’s government is making the family justice system more accessible to ease the stress on Albertans dealing with family law matters during an already difficult time. We are expanding pre-court services so that Albertans can have access to a range of services before filing a claim or attending court,” says Mickey Amery, Minister of Justice and Attorney General.