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City of Medicine Hat

City of Medicine Hat joins the Next Generation Energy Innovation Challenge

Jul 18, 2023 | 1:34 PM

MEDICINE HAT, AB – Medicine Hat City Council voted in favour of investing $850,000 to participate in the Next Generation Energy Innovation Challenge on Monday. The challenge is a three-year project that is designed to develop capacity that supports Alberta energy transition and diversify the energy economy.

Spearheaded by Decentralized Energy Canada (DEC), the challenge leverages provincial and federal investment in demonstration projects to create jobs and improve the competitiveness of Alberta’s energy industry. The challenge aligns with City Council’s strategic priorities of supporting and implementing energy transition opportunities to meet the federal government’s Emissions Reduction Plan and net-zero decarbonization targets.

According to Director of Utility Distribution Systems Grayson Mauch, Medicine Hat is known as an innovator within the energy field demonstrated through past initiatives such as early adoption of natural gas electrical generation, automated metering infrastructure, the award-winning HAT Smart program, and numerous other projects undertaken over the years.

“This innovative spirit attracts other like-minded organizations to our community seeking energy-based project and collaboration opportunities. It was only natural that the DEC would consider Medicine Hat as a project partner for this challenge,” Mauch said in a statement.

The project involves three main phases. First is the Innovation Challenge where the city and DEC will collaboratively develop challenge statements to address a certain challenge in the region as it relates to energy transition and invite proponents to submit proposals.

Second, will have six successful applicants invited to demonstrate their innovative solutions with small-scale pilot projects. The city will provide 50 per cent of the capital requirements for each project, up to $850,000 in total for the six projects, funded through reserves. Other funding is secured through the DEC.

Third and lastly, is the Investment Challenge where the six demonstrators can compete to secure additional funding to further develop their innovation. This portion of the challenge is carried out by DEC only.

“In our view, participation in this program not only provides the opportunity to test upcoming technology to help in our own local energy transition but also provides recognition at a national and international level that can attract potential investment and economic development opportunities for our community and region,” adds Mauch.

The project begins on September 1, 2023 and is expected to conclude on August 31, 2026. Full details can be found online at the City of Medicine Hat.