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UCP leader Danielle Smith hosts a short rally in Medicine Hat

May 17, 2023 | 5:18 PM

MEDICINE HAT, AB – It’s now halfway into the Alberta election campaign.

And some say it may be the most competitive election yet.

Ahead of NDP leader Rachel Notley’s morning coffee scheduled for May 19, 2023, at the Citadel Theatre in Edmonton, UCP leader Danielle Smith hosted a short rally today in Medicine Hat.

Smith and Cypress-Medicine Hat candidate Justin Wright held the open house at the UCP campaign office, where Smith delivered a tailgate speech to about 100 people in attendance.

It was UCP leader Danielle Smith’s first public appearance in the area since the start of the election campaign, seeing she’s been spending lots of time in Calgary, a key battleground in this election.

Despite the fact she hasn’t personally spent a lot of time in her local riding, Smith is confident the UCP will continue to dominate this area. She says it’s because the party has the right strategy and plan in place.

“We’re focused on jobs and the economy. That’s what we ran on in the last election. We delivered. Jobs are up, investment is up. And the unfortunate part is we now have to deal with an inflation crisis at the federal level. I’ve been addressing affordability issues, and we’ve been working really hard to address the issues of public safety. I think that those are the issues that people care about,” said Smith.

In short, Smith feels her focus on jobs and the economy will secure local votes.

As for the Compassionate Intervention Act, which gives police and caregivers the ability to refer adults and youth with serious addiction for involuntary treatment, not much was said about it during the rally.

The recently proposed act has spurred criticism from addiction and health officials. But when asked, Smith says that this act is already in place for young people and it’s time we heeded the advice of recovering addicts.

“We had two recovering addicts at a press conference on Sunday and they said they weren’t in their right mind when they were addicted. All they cared about was getting their next fix, and they are grateful to be alive. And I think that’s the people we need to talk to – the recovering addicts – and hear what they think can work. And that’s the community I’ve been taking advice from,” said Smith.

The crowd at the rally was mostly UCP supporters, and they shared the following sentiments.

“Ah, it’s common sense. Putting people back to work. Everybody works, there’s more taxpayer money, everything gets better,” one said.

“We have way too much socialism in this province and shutting down our oil industry ain’t gonna do us any good for us or Canada, and for the world,” another said.

“I think Danielle is the one who can stand up to Justin Trudeau. Of course Rachel is right in sync with Justin Trudeau, so we need someone who can stand up to him for one thing and I think she’s doing a good job in getting the wait times down for surgeries,” said a supporter.

It’s unclear whether Smith will be back in the riding before voters head to the polls on May 29.

Smith is set to square off against NDP leader Rachel Notley in the leaders debate on Thursday, May 19, 2023.