RCMP in Saskatchewan respond to hoax 911 call of shooting
Indian Head RCMP in Saskatchewan received one of the most urgent and serious reports they say a detachment can get.
Earlier this week, a caller who is described as being genuinely terrified, reported witnessing a shooting inside a residence in the community of Montmartre. The caller claimed to be hiding inside a room from the killer.
RCMP say there are prepared for these critical calls and an immense police response began immediately. When officers from the detachment arrived, RCMP say they were fully equipped with hard body armour and the resolve to enter a dangerous situation, only to soon realize the call was a hoax.
The occupants of the residence reported having no knowledge of the call. Police made certain all occupants were safe and there was no active threat. The true identity of the caller is unknown at this time. Indian Head RCMP have launched a public mischief investigation to determine the origin of the call.