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Echo Dale lakes won’t be open until at least July

May 4, 2023 | 9:47 AM

MEDICINE HAT, AB – Kids will be out of school for summer before anyone is able to cool off in the swim and boat lakes at Echo Dale Regional Park.

The City of Medicine Hat says the liner in the boat lake is compromised and requires repairs. The swim lake is expected to be open on July 15 and the boat lake in early August. James Will, director of the City of Medicine Hat’s parks & recreation department, says tens of thousands of people visit the lakes each year.

“We all want to be out here. we enjoy this environment. This is really kind of the crown jewel in our parks system,” says Will. “We know that there’s a lot of disappointment. I know that we look at it, delays, any delays in the boat lake liner installation, certainly impacts the opening for the pool. We know that the contractor and staff are working hard to get that so we can meet that deadline.”

The swim lake won’t be filled because dry conditions are needed to repair the boat lake liner, explains the city in a release. They say delaying both openings is the quickest way to get them both back into operation.

A leak was discovered in the boat lake by city maintenance crews late last year after a season of unusually low water levels. Further investigation revealed the boat lake liner, which is more than 30 years old, is compromised.

The original clay liner is being replaced with a more rubberized one that Will says protects better against leaks.

Work on replacing the liner began in March, but increased precipitation this spring delayed the work so Will says even had they been able to start in the winter the work would still have meant later openings for the lakes.

He says liners don’t last indefinitely and continual patching would lead to regular delays over several years, so Will says “the decision was let’s go and replace this and do it the right way.”

The city says the park will be open to welcome visitors to the farm, campground, trails and other amenities. The concession will be open limited hours until the lakes are fully open.

The empty swim lake, far left, and boat lake (centre right) at Echo Dale Regional Park. (Photo Courtesy Chris Brown)

The park’s grass irrigation will be limited during the repairs to the boat lake liner. Crews are laying new sod and planting new trees to address the damage done by the tornado in July 2022.

To help people beat the heat, Will says the city is working to get all four of its spray parks open a little earlier than usual this year. Two should open on May 19 and the other two on May 29. As well, Hill and Strathcona Pools will open on June 2. Visit for more information.

Will adds there will be minimal impact to staff as those already hired will be redeployed and the seasonal hiring of temporary lifeguards for Echo Dale is being delayed.