Prairie Rose announces firefighter training academy for Grades 11 and 12
DUNMORE, AB – Prairie Rose Public Schools students with dreams of becoming a firefighter will be able to start on that path at the same time they’re learning English, math and other typical high school studies.
The school division announced its newest academy program today, the South Alberta Fire Rescue Academy. Beginning this fall, the class will be available to students in Grades 11 and 12 at Senator Gershaw School in Bow Island and Eagle Butte High School in Dunmore.
Students in the year-round academy program will get three days of in-class instruction and two days of off-site, hands-on firefighter training each week. Students will be able to earn their Firefighter 1 and 2 certifications through the two-year program.
“Firefighter training is one of the things we heard from our communities that there is a need and passion,” says Prairie Rose assistant Supt. Boyd Craven. “Academies, like South Alberta Fire Rescue, give students the opportunity to learn about something they are excited about which can further be applied following graduation.”