Province announces $26M for Persons with Developmental Disabilities program
The Alberta government is addressing staffing challenges and rising operational costs in the social sector with a further $26 million in support this year.
The government says thousands of Albertans rely daily on services provided through disability programs, homeless shelters and family violence prevention programs and many involved in the Persons with Developmental Disabilities program are having a hard time finding and keeping staff.
Jeremy Nixon, Alberta’s minister of seniors, community and social services, says workers in disability services, emergency shelters and family violence prevention programs are providing critical support to thousands of Albertans.
The ministry funds 179 Persons with Developmental Disabilities service providers and 69 Family Support for Children with Disabilities service providers. The government claims about 20,000 front-line social service workers will be supported with this investment, including about 19,500 disability support workers, 1,000 homeless shelter workers and 175 family violence prevention workers.