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Citizens encouraged to get their furnace checked

Nov 10, 2022 | 2:49 PM

MEDICINE HAT, AB – With freezing temperatures and snow settled into Medicine Hat and the area, heating and furnace companies are being kept busy.

One of the main reasons for that is people don’t always get their furnaces checked in time.

The most common problem is that people take their furnaces for granted, only realizing its fault when it breaks down, which leaves them without heat.

Craig Martineau, owner of Marvelous Plumbing and Heating, says on average a furnace typically lasts 30 years, but some measures need to be taken.

“They should definitely be calling ahead of time, and doing preventative maintenance,” Martineau says. “A lot of the parts have to be ordered from out of town now, we’ve had people who had to wait from up to a week now, for furnace parts, it’s changing, we have to order parts for almost everything now.”

Martineau adds it is better to stick to some of the top brands when purchasing a furnace and get parts that are readily available in Medicine Hat.