Mad Hatter & Happy Hatter – April 14
Mad Hatter
Why are there so many reports of people needing food while multiple organizations are providing food? Maybe if these organizations cooperated, all those in need would be fed. The generous donors in our community need to ask for some accountability. How much of my donation goes to food? How much to overpaid staff? How much leaves the community to support out-of-town head offices? Ask before you give. We all should have learned that throwing money at a problem never solves it!
Mad Hatter
Disgraceful. A local good-hearted donor being lied to about massive increase in users of a local charity. If you spent that long taking calls it means you were on the phone for 25 hours a day. Stop lying get up and use the kitchens to cook food with the clients. Stop sending hundreds of pounds to the pig farmers make spaghetti sauce. Green houses donate plenty. Too many staff begging bowl out overpaid who running this operation into the ground.