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What’s Your WOTY?

Jan 10, 2022 | 11:51 PM

Contributed by Stephanie Staples at Your Life Unlimited

Happier New Year!
As we slide into January and many ‘resolutions’ have already been forgotten (80% of us let them slide, so ‘they’ say), it’s time to bring up the annual … What’s your WOTY?  ie – Word of the Year, question.
Personally, I find the WOTY so much easier to use to help me stay on track and focused. I’ve been doing this for years, here are some of my past themes…

Vitality     Vision     Lifestyle    Scrabble    ReWire

What if…    Grow    Healthy      Rejoice

One of my favourite years was the Year of Delight – because I wrote down one thing that delighted me every day for 365 days. It lives here if you want to take a peak. Talk about noticing that what you focus on expands!

For 2022, my WOTY is REVITALIZE – work, life, relationships, health; it’s time to breathe some fresh life in. So it seemed fitting to have a short chat about the new year in the fresh air (video above). We can’t wait until life is not hard to be happy, we can be happy in spite of it being hard. WE GOT THIS!

I’d love you to share your WOTY with me or someone you love; it’s a great family, couples, or singles activity! In the 3 minutes video, you will hear one thing I do to keep my word top of mind all year long.

Let’s enjoy a collective pat on the back for getting through another COVID year.  A special shout-out to all our essential workers and frontline folks who are still paddling like crazy underwater – thank you!
Onward, upwards and cheering for you in 2022, Steph

The post What’s Your WOTY? first appeared on Your Life Unlimited.

Contributed by Stephanie Staples at Your Life Unlimited