Another whammy for agriculture: Natural gas price hike expected this winter
LETHBRIDGE, AB. — As if dealing with hot, dry conditions during the past growing season wasn`t enough, farmers and ranchers can now expect increased heating costs this winter.
Ryan Furtas, market analyst with Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, confirms Alberta producers operating livestock barns, greenhouses and large heated shops will no doubt see their heating costs dramatically increase over the next 6 months.
“To what extent the Alberta natural gas price increases is yet to be determined, but at least the prices are at a low spot to begin with and, for the past five years, producers have enjoyed low natural gas prices.”
Lower supplies and rising demand have resulted in natural gas prices rising. In North America, there was strong demand in the summer, which resulted in less gas being put into storage for winter months, which means prices are now poised to jump, especially if there`s a colder than normal winter.