Alberta Beef Producers GM provides latest drought update
LETHBRIDGE, AB – During the first week of August, Brad Dubeau, general manager of Alberta Beef Producers (ABP), took time to provide the latest update on the drought situation, as it impacts farmers and ranchers.
Dubeau first noted that provincial and federal governments recently doubled the low-yield threshold to encourage Alberta grain farmers to divert salvageable crops for livestock feed.
“The Alberta water pumping program provides assistance to producers in securing adequate water supplies for domestic livestock for agricultural purposes. The government announced a 20 per cent reduction in premium costs for crop, pasture and forage insurance early this year, which protects against weather-related production loss.”
“We’ve also got the federal livestock tax deferral which allows farmers who are forced to sell part of their breeding herd due to drought or flooding in prescribed regions, to defer a portion of failed proceeds to the following year.”