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No new cases in city, 73 in province

Fewer than 20 active COVID-19 cases in Medicine Hat

Jun 24, 2021 | 3:49 PM

There are 19 active cases of COVID-19 in Medicine Hat on Thursday.

Medicine Hat now has had 1,263 total cases – the 19 active, 1,222 recovered and there have been 22 deaths.

There are no new cases in the city today and two new recoveries.

57.8 per cent of Hatters have received at least one dose of vaccine at the latest update.

There are 1,580 active cases, down 96 from Wednesday, and 227,768 recovered cases, up 168.

Alberta’s total cases from the start of the pandemic is 231,641.

There are 73 new cases in the province today, and 61 more variant of concern cases were identified today.

There are now 190 Albertans in hospital with COVID-19, 50 of which are in ICU, and 2,293 deaths.

The province completed 5,717 tests in the past 24 hours.

The positivity rate is about 1.4 per cent.

Alberta has administered 3,903,238 doses of vaccine at the latest update.

Province-wide, 71.1 per cent of Albertans 12 years old and up have received at least one dose of vaccine and 33 per cent are fully vaccinated.

Among Albertans of all ages, 60.6 per cent have received at least one dose of vaccine and 28.1 per cent are fully vaccinated.

There are 70 active cases and 12,284 recovered in the South Zone. The death total in the zone is at 133.

An AHS spokesperson told CHAT News on Thursday AHS South Zone currently has nine COVID-19 positive individuals in hospital. There are seven at Chinook Regional Hospital in Lethbridge. Medicine Hat Regional Hospital has two inpatients, with one of those in the ICU.

The province-wide reproductive value from last week is 0.75. It is 0.86 in Calgary Zone, 0.57 in Edmonton Zone and 0.70 in the rest of Alberta. These figures are updated each Monday.

St. Francis Xavier School and George Davison School are on AHS Outbreak status.

Regionally, St. Joseph’s Collegiate in Brooks is on Alert status.

Schools remain on Outbreak and Alert status until there is no new confirmed case for 28 days.

Cypress County has totaled 301 cases – six active cases, 294 recovered and one death. The latest vaccination rate for all ages is 48.1 per cent.

The County of Forty Mile has 157 total cases. There are no active cases, 154 recovered and there have been three deaths. The latest vaccination rate for all ages is 28.4 per cent.

The MD of Taber has 571 total cases — no active cases, 565 recovered and there have been six deaths. The latest vaccination rate for all ages is 34.9 per cent.

Special Areas No. 2 has 103 total cases – one active case, 101 recovered and there has been one death.

Brooks has 1,503 total cases — four active cases and 1,484 are recovered. Brooks has recorded 15 deaths.

The County of Newell has a total of 241 cases — one active case, 238 recovered and there have been two deaths. The latest vaccination rate for all ages is 46.6 per cent, including Brooks.

The County of Warner has 470 total cases. There are five active cases, 462 are recovered cases and there have been three deaths in the county. The latest vaccination rate for all ages is 43.7 per cent.

The City of Lethbridge has a total of 4,834 cases. There are eight active cases, 4,787 recovered and there have been 38 deaths. Lethbridge County has 1,262 cases, nine active cases, 1,241 recovered and there have been 12 deaths.

Not all the areas on the vaccination data map match the case count map.

The figures on are “up-to-date as of end of day June 23, 2021.”

Saskatchewan has a total of 48,590 cases, 605 considered active. There are 47,420 recovered cases and there have been 565 COVID-19 deaths in the province.

Saskatchewan has delivered 1,048,669 doses of vaccine.