Two Medicine Hat residents charged after Internet Child Exploitation unit investigation
Two Medicine Hat residents have been charged with at least one child pornography offence related to the online sexual exploitation of children.
ALERT’s Internet Child Exploitation (ICE) unit arrested 24 suspects in the first three months of 2021.
ICE received a record number of case referrals in 2020, and has been collaborating with other police agencies to make arrests. In its 2020-21 reporting year, ICE experienced a nearly 40 per cent increase in case referrals – 2,136 compared to 1,555 in the 2019-20 year.
“This is a concerning consequence of our digital dependency during the pandemic. ALERT has responded by directing more tools and resources to our ICE units and we are prepared to travel to every corner of the province in order to stop child sex predators,” says ALERT CEO Supt. Dwayne Lakusta in a release.