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Bruce McKay is one of three children in Medicine Hat diagnosed with Angelman Syndrome. International Angelman Syndrome Awareness Day is Feb. 15. (Submitted Photo/Carly McKay)
Awareness day on Feb. 15

Seven-year-old with Angelman Syndrome an inspiration for all

Feb 14, 2021 | 9:56 AM

MEDICINE HAT, AB – Carly and Will McKay find inspiration in their son Bruce every day.

Diagnosed with Angelman Syndrome at three months old, Bruce kicks right through the can’t and the won’t, says Carly.

And seven-year-old Bruce isn’t just an inspiration for his parents but the entire community, says Carly.

“Everybody that meets Bruce just absolutely falls in love with him and has requested to build a relationship and a friendship with him,” says Carly.

She recalls one-time when family was camping and a school aide spotted him and came running to say hello.

“I’m like, ‘Only you would bump into somebody you know in the middle of nowhere,’” Carly says.

Angelman Syndrome is a severe neurological disorder characterized by developmental delays, epilepsy, and problems with motor coordination and balance, according to the Canadian Angelman Syndrome Society.

Individuals with AS do not develop functional speech. The seizure disorder in individuals with Angelman syndrome can be difficult to treat. Feeding and sleep difficulties are also common in people with Angelman Syndrome, which occurs in about one in 15,000 births.

Carly says there are three children in Medicine Hat diagnosed with Angelman syndrome.

International Angelman Syndrome Awareness Day is Feb. 15.

For more information visit the society’s website or Facebook page.