US Latino civil rights group moves 2021 convention online
RIO RANCHO, N.M. — The League of United Latin American Citizens, the oldest Latino civil rights group in the U.S., has decided to move its 2021 national convention online amid concerns and health orders caused by COVID-19.
The board of directors of the group, known as LULAC, voted Saturday to hold a virtual gathering for members instead of its planned July gathering in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The state currently limits the number of people at large gatherings and LULAC national conventions typically attract thousands of activists.
“Due to the uncertainty of this pandemic, New Mexico at the present time cannot hold meetings with more than 10 people and we will not know when this threat will subside,” LULAC treasurer Pablo Martinez said in a statement on Facebook.
The move to a virtual convention means the 90-year-old organization won’t hold elections and that members will not vote on any measures or resolutions next year because current rules require members to be physically present.