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(Tiffany Goodwein/ CHAT News Today)
local nutritional consultant weighs in

What to eat to stay healthy during self-isolation

Mar 25, 2020 | 3:54 PM

MEDICINE HAT- Being stuck at home in self isolation, perhaps sick, emotional or stressed can certainly make reaching for your favorite comfort food like chocolate all the more appealing. But a local nutritional consultant says that while we are in unprecedented times, one’s diet doesn’t need to take the back seat.

Nikki Stadnyk is a certified holistic nutritional consultant in Medicine Hat.

“Absolutely it’s possible to eat healthy while in self isolation,” Stadnyk said.

“Some of the things you should be picking up from the grocery store or getting delivered by the grocery store are your frozen fruits, frozen vegetables, you can still do meats, you can choose canned foods like black beans, kidney beans , chick peas , tuna , salmon, something like that.”

Dried food like rice, quinoa, and nuts are also great options according to Stadnyk, who also recommends opting for milk alternatives like almond, cashew or rice milk because they last longer compared to traditional cows milk.

Fresh, Frozen or Canned?

If you are stuck between fresh, frozen or canned for vegetables, Stadnyk says they can all be good options but advise people to look out for additives that pack on the salt and sugar.

“Fresh and frozen to in my opinion are very equal,” said Stadnyk

“As long as those vegetables are not put in a buttery sauce and then frozen. Frozen vegetables plain are absolutely fine. The canned vegetables you want to watch for sodium content they do add sodium to those.”

Craving fresh vegetables but worried about shelf life? Stadnyk recommends stocking up on squash, like Butternut, Acorn or Spaghetti. All three are packed with vital nutrients like Vitamin A , Vitamin B6, and vitamin C.

As for resisting cravings for comfort food while at home, Stadnyk has some hard and fast rules.

“What I suggest to my clients is your breakfast, lunch, and dinner, that’s when you go into your kitchen, that’s when you are going through the cupboards to make something but other than that, kitchen’s closed.”

“ Stay out of the kitchen, there’s no need to be eating all day long. There is no need for that. Eat your breakfast, eat your dinner, eat your lunch, plan a snack that is a healthy snack, fruit and nuts are absolutely fine, something like that not a problem, but to go back into the kitchen and grab a handful of this and a handful of that, all day long is going to pack on the weight,” Stadnyk said.