Live episode of ‘The Conners’ takes on New Hampshire primary
LOS ANGELES — Veteran TV producer Bruce Helford knows how unpredictable a live sitcom episode can be. He has a vivid memory of the moment on “The Drew Carey Show” when an extra mooned the camera with a cheery “Hi Mom” scribbled on his behind, a broadcasting milestone that Helford figures gave network censors fits.
He’s trying something with even more potential for the unexpected: A live episode of ABC’s “The Conners” airing 8 p.m. EST Tuesday that will incorporate, in real time, the Democratic primary in New Hampshire. The venture’s scheduling already counts as lucky.
“We were talking about what would have happened if we had done it during Iowa,” Helford said, referring to the state’s caucus voting a week ago that fell on a Monday, not on “The Conners’” regular air date, and has yet to be settled. “It would have been, ‘So what’s going on in Iowa? Uh, nothing.’ Very, very awkward.”
In the episode, which will be performed live twice for different time zones, Darlene’s children Mark (Ames McNamara) and Harris (Emma Kenney) are watching news reports on the primary. Mark has been assigned a school report on it, while Harris plays the cynical observer who considers the influence of money in politics a blockade to change.