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Conny Kappler reviews a proof of her new book Dirt to Dinner. (CHAT News photo)
Agricultural book

New locally authored book aims to teach kids about farming

Jan 6, 2020 | 12:21 PM

Cypress County, AB – A Cypress County woman is seeking to help kids get a better knowledge base about where fresh produce comes from with a new book.

Dirt to Dinner is aimed at grade-schoolers at the elementary level to educate them on how food is produced and what it takes to get it to student’s plates.

“I’ve always wanted to write a kids’ book,” said co-author Conny Kappler. “And now just seemed to be the time to do it.”

Kappler said she has been regularly reading to her grandchildren via Facetime and believes the activity is key to childhood understanding of the world in general and, with her book, farming specifically.

“I think as the population gets more urban, there is a bigger need to get more rural information out to the urban kids,” said Kappler.

The book covers the life cycle of growth of a seed and contains information on the importance of weather, soil nutrients and pollination.

Cypress County council is helping spread that message and has pre-ordered copies of Dirt to Dinner to be distributed to all Medicine Hat and county schools.

An official book launch will be taking place in Rolling Hills with more information available at the I Love Dirt Facebook page.