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HALO Air Ambulance on scene (Photo by Hayley Feguson)

HALO endowment fund started by retired rancher

Dec 20, 2019 | 4:08 PM

Medicine Hat, AB – With no government funding, HALO Air Ambulance still continues to rely solely on the community to fund their program.

That’s why retired rancher Marvin Fischer from Hilda has stepped up to help make sure HALO will be a lasting program by starting up an endowment fund with the Community Foundation of Southeastern Alberta.

“They rely wholly on donated money. Hopefully, that will change and the government will come through with some annual support funding,” Fischer said. “Up until that point in time, I think it’s very important for ratepayers and anybody that has an extra dollar or two in their pocket to donate it to a very worthy cause, such as HALO.”

The endowment fund is an investment fund for non-for-profit organizations.

“It’s the investment income that comes back to HALO after a year or so of it being invested. And so it’s looking at sustainability.” Sue Edwards, assistant director of the foundation.

Fischer family tours HALO hanger (Photo courtesy of Community Foundation)

Only that investment income can be spent, not the donations themselves, which allows the fund to be able to grow over time.

“We’ve been looking at this sort of thing for a long time. But when they approached us, it was particularly special. It’s something that’s important to the program. Because HALO’s here to stay. We’re going to stay. Fundraising is our top priority. So this sort of a thing allows people a venue or an avenue to donate to the program,” Dale Thacker, HALO’s co-chair.

All three are hopeful that this will inspire more people to donate to HALO.

“Now people can walk in the door and they can make a donation to HALO and it’s going to last forever,” smiled Edwards.

To donate to the HALO endowment fund, contact the Community Foundation.