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Constable Zachary Dye-Wilson hands out prizes to Margaret Wooding students
Remember Who’s Out There

Students design liquor store bags to remind people about impaired driving

Dec 17, 2019 | 4:57 PM

Redcliff, AB – Students across Cypress County and Redcliff are being rewarded for their help in raising awareness of impaired driving and the consequences that come with it.

For the last month, students in grades one through six in the Redcliff RCMP detachment area have been creating paper bags that will be used by liquor stores throughout the area during the holidays.

The students draw and colour the bags for the “Remember Who’s Out There” program with either messages against drinking and driving or what they love about Christmas.

“I think that it really makes an impact on the customer when they are purchasing liquor to then see a kid that has coloured on there all of the things they are looking forward to. And that’s why I specially chose the title remember who’s out there because these kids are out there on the roads travelling with their families. We just need everyone to stay safe for the holidays,” said organizer Constable Zachary Dye-Wilson.

Liquor store bags designed by Margaret Wooding students (Photo by Colton McKee)

Last year when the program was launched, only three schools took part.

Now Dye-Wilson says that every school in the detachment area is signed up, which means they will be able to create about 850 bags.

Dye-Wilson says what separates this program from other similar ones, is that he wants to make sure they give back to the students for their efforts.

“The principal then picks a winner from each grade at each school. They then get to tour the police car, they get goodie bags. Tim Hortons provided hot chocolate and Timbits. And a lot of businesses in the community partnered with donations for the kids,” Dye-Wilson continued. “Then for at each school I pick one grand prize winner and then they get a giant present that has been donated by a business in the community that wishes to stay anonymous.”

The bags will be handed out at liquor stores around the area from December 21st through to the 25th.