The POST-Funded Programs
We’ve taken you through the history of The POST Thrift Store – from where it began to where it is today – and now we’ll take a look at how supporting The POST not only supports the employees who gain work experience and skills, but how it also allows them to fund several Canadian Mental Health Association programs.
The POST is first and foremost about community and creating an open and supportive environment, so it’s no surprise that one of their programs is a group for individuals living with mental health issues. Whispers of Wellness (WOW, for short) is an open group that can be joined at any time and has a focus on peers supporting peers. There is no registration required and, thanks to donations made to The POST, the group is free to attend. This is a weekly program that runs every Wednesday evening and is facilitated by Canadian Mental Health Association Educators.
Would you believe there is a way to change your life in just 12 hours? With Living Life to the Full, you can learn new ways to deal with and overcome the obstacles that life sends your way, and create a confident and happy YOU! Individuals can learn to assess their feelings, thoughts and behaviours to create a course of action for dealing with them. This is a course that’s offered twice a year at a reduced rate, again, thanks to community support of The Post Thrift Store.
Everyone deserves access to certain services, but systems that let you access services aren’t always designed to be the most user friendly. That’s where the System Navigation program comes in. This program was created to help individuals who are having difficulty getting the services they need by providing information and referrals to various community resources in southeastern Alberta.