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Tree farm

Nothing beats a fresh-cut Christmas tree

Nov 29, 2019 | 5:35 PM

Cypress County, AB – There is nothing like the smell of a fresh pine tree and, according to a local tree farm owner, a freshly cut Christmas tree will last longer than a pre-cut one, won’t shed needles and is recyclable.

Starting Friday, Country Mouse Tree Farm will be offering hay rides, hot chocolate, home-made gingersnaps and, of course, a selection of white spruce, blue spruce and Scot’s pine trees to decorate your home with in classic Christmas tradition.

“With a real tree that you come out and cut yourself, it’s fresh cut so it does have a long lasting time in your house. If you cut a tree now, it’ll easily last to Valentines Day and beyond,” said Gerald Bodnaruk who co-owns County Mouse Farm with his wife Erika.

And the needles won’t drop off which Bodnaruk says can often happen with lot-bought trees which can be cut weeks prior to being sold.

“One of the things we provide is a real tree experience,” said Bodnaruk who began the operation in 2008. “You come out here with your group, you get to choose your own tree and you can see it in its full spread and you can tell exactly what it looks like.”

And while the tree farm has been going for the last decade, it’s only been in the last three years which the operation has been able to sell trees due to the difficulty of growing pines on the open prairie.

But while it’s a challenging growing environment, Bodnaruk says the health of the trees speak for themselves.

Trees start at $80 and purchasers are advised its cash only.

Country Mouse Tree Farm is open to the public starting Friday night between 3 and 7 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Full details and additional sale dates can be found by visiting