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Giving Season

Saamis Immigration asking for help from the community to make sure every child has a gift to unwrap

Nov 15, 2019 | 5:34 PM

Medicine Hat, AB – Every year, families gather together to celebrate the holidays with decorations, food, and often gifts.

For those who have fled to Canada, just living can take up all of their resources.

Meaning those holidays don’t look the same.

That’s why Saamis Immigration is looking for members of the community to sponsor a child to make sure they have something to unwrap on Christmas.

“Every year we hold a Christmas party for all of the clients that have arrived in the last year. So all of our newcomers that arrived between the last December and the current December. We have them for a little Christmas party,” said Elizabeth Thomson, community connections coordinator.

Thomson says from December 2018 until now, they’ve settled 50 refugee children.

Many of whom do not have any toys.

“That’s a lot of kids. We just don’t have the funding, we don’t have the resources or donations right now to give them all Christmas gifts. And I think it’s really important a Christmas gift,” said Thomson.

That’s why Thomson said they decided to start this program.

“So you fill out a form and we tell you the gender and age of you’re child. And then you go out and buy a gift worth about $10. Or you can give us a $10 donation and that will get a child a gift,” she smiled.

Saamis is hoping to have sponsors registered by November 27th and gifts in by December 4th.

For more information on how to help contact Saamis Immigration at (403) 504-1188.