Activist Greta Thunberg says adults must protect kids from climate change
VANCOUVER — Swedish activist Greta Thunberg says those in power need to realize what they are doing to future generations through climate change because if adults really loved children, they would ensure they have a safe future.
“But they are not doing that,” she told thousands of people attending a climate rally in Vancouver on Friday. “As it is now, it feels like they are doing the exact opposite, that they are desperately trying to change the subject every time the climate crisis comes up.
“They are trying so hard to delay the actions required to prevent this crisis from getting worse because they are so afraid of being unpopular and to make uncomfortable decisions. It is like they are selling our future for their comfort and profit.”
The 16-year-old expressed her amazement at the size of the crowd. Vancouver police estimated as many as 12,000 people attended.