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Student Vote

Across the country, students also vote for Liberal minority

Oct 22, 2019 | 10:53 AM

Medicine Hat, AB – Almost 18 million Canadians voted in the 2019 election.

They weren’t the only people in Canada to cast a ballot though.

More than 1.1 million elementary and secondary school students took part in the official student vote.

It was a similar result to the real election with Justin Trudeau and his Liberal party winning a minority.

According to the students, it was an even smaller minority with just 109 seats for the Liberals.

Unlike the real results, students voted to make the NDP the official opposition with 98 seats and 25 per cent of all votes.

Just behind them were the Conservatives with 94 seas, the Green Party with 28, and Bloc Quebecois with nine.

Locally, like the adults, Medicine Hat-Cardston-Warner students elected Glen Motz with the conservatives as their MP.

Motz won with more than 55 per cent of the vote.

Elizabeth Thomson with the NDP was also the runner up with 624 votes according to the students.

From there, the students and adults had very different results.

Green Party candidate Shannon Hawthorne was third in the student vote. Coming fifth in the federal election.

The ‘Vote for Dave’ signs caught the attention of students.

Independent Dave Phillips earned more votes from the students with 396 then he did in the election.

Liberal Harris Kirshenbaum wasn’t far behind with 330 for and Andrew Nelson with the People’s Party came sixth.