Beef’s Place in a Healthy Environment
With increasing information in the media now about the environmental footprint of agriculture and greater attention around food sustainability, there is a need to provide education and raise awareness around where our food comes from and recognize the vitally important role of agribusiness.
Most recently, sustainable beef production in Canada has been a focus of many important discussions and we are finding that there is an increasing lack of awareness, education and information around this industry. In Canada, we define sustainable beef as a socially responsible, environmentally sound and economically viable product that prioritizes the planet, people, animals and progress.
To emphasize the importance of this industry, we have beef producers in every province with 68,500 beef farms, including cow-calf, background and feedlot operations. Over 98% of beef farms are family owned and operated, with the Canadian beef industry contributing more than $41 billion to the Canadian economy, generating 228,000 jobs. In addition, the 2016 Census of Agriculture found less than 1% of Canadians are farm operators, yet all Canadians participate in the agri-food sector when they go grocery shopping and make food choices.
Despite these economic considerations, recent conversations seem to be centred on factors such as greenhouse gas production, water consumption and management of different landscapes for ecosystem health, in addition to the nutritional value of beef.