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Student Climate Marches

MHHS Earth Club to hold climate strike at City Hall

Sep 27, 2019 | 11:43 AM

Medicine Hat, AB – It’s a day of action as students from across the world are coming together to demand action from leaders on climate change.

That includes students in Medicine Hat.

Medicine Hat High’s Earth Club has posted an event on social media called “Friday’s For Future”.

They are hopeful for at least 20 students from the club as well as students from different schools.

The strike begins at 2:00 p.m. at City Hall.

“We understand that a number of students intend to walk out of class to participate in protests regarding climate change. Medicine Hat Public School Division does not encourage students to walk out of classes, however, some students may decide to support this issue by attending the climate change strike today,” Mark Davidson, the superintendent with the public school division said in a statement.

Davidson did continue the statement saying he understands why students may feel the need to take action.

“Public schools play an important role in creating engaged citizens who raise their voices and stand up for important causes. We understand that that there are political and social global movements that our students care about and we encourage them to express their fundamental freedoms in a peaceful assembly. We are not hosting school-sanctioned events, however, if students choose to coordinate and raise their voices on campus, we will make sure that there is a safe space for them to gather and be heard and then welcomed back to class.”