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Supreme Court dismisses appeal from Halifax man over dangerous offender status

Aug 29, 2019 | 8:48 AM

OTTAWA — The Supreme Court of Canada has decided not to hear an appeal from a Nova Scotia man fighting a ruling that labelled him a dangerous offender.

Lloyd Eugene Bailey was convicted in 2010 of eight charges stemming from a December 2008 attack and sexual assault on a 19-year-old woman at a Halifax hotel, which was interrupted by a hotel manager responding to complaints of screams from Bailey’s room.

A jury convicted him of three counts of sexual assault with a weapon and sexual assault causing bodily harm, and for trying to strangle the woman after drugging her.

Crown attorneys applied at sentencing to have Bailey labelled a dangerous offender, which would keep him behind bars indefinitely, because of a history of assaults.

A 65-page psychiatric report submitted during the dangerous-offender hearing concluded Bailey had a “markedly high risk” to reoffend.

In 2017, the Nova Scotia Court of Appeal upheld the trial judge’s decision to label Bailey a dangerous offender.

Bailey then appealed to Canada’s top court, which has now dismissed his application.

The court didn’t provide a reason for its decision, which is generally the case when announcing such rulings.

The Canadian Press