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Redcliff man accused of criminal harassment

Women tell police suspect made them uncomfortable

Aug 19, 2019 | 6:21 AM

MEDICINE HAT — A 34 year old man from Redcliff is facing 4 charges after city police were called about a man who was watching women in a suspicious manner.

Police say the man appeared to be watching and then approaching women in a way that caused alarm and distress to the women and their children.

The suspect was arrested Saturday after one complaint , and further police investigation found two more complaints and additional charges were laid.

Robert Horan of Redcliff is facing four charges of criminal harassment and was released from jail on several conditions.

He was placed on release conditions by the court, of no contact with his accusers, not to go within 200 meters of their residences, not to possess any weapons, not to have any contact with a child under the age of 14 years and he is banned from going to any public park, swimming pool, daycare center, school ground, playground or community center.

He’s in court August 29th.