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Calls to eat more plants, less meat also in line with food guide: McKenna

Aug 9, 2019 | 12:01 PM

OTTAWA — Environment Minister Catherine McKenna says the call to help combat climate change by eating more plants and less meat is fully in line with Canada’s new food guide recommendations.

The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change issued a report Thursday looking at land use and climate change.

One conclusion was that the agriculture industry needs to make major changes to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including producing more plant-based proteins and less meat because plants need less land to grow and produce fewer emissions.

Last January, the government unveiled a new version of Canada’s Food Guide which also called for Canadians to choose plant-based proteins more often because they provide more fibre and less saturated fat.

McKenna would not say if she is concerned the calls for changes to diet to help climate will further alienate provinces like Alberta, where curbing fossil fuel use to combat climate change has the biggest impact.

The prairies are among the biggest producers of animal proteins, including in Alberta, home to more than 40 per cent of Canada’s beef herds.



The Canadian Press