Success. Success? Success!
Contributed by Stephanie Staples at Your Life Unlimited
I’m still on a kick of de-bunking some of the common ‘motivational phrases’ out there. Here are some examples of how this ‘motivational speaker’ disagrees with some well known platitudes:
It’s better to give than to receive. Well is sure can be nice to give, but giving comes at a cost, and it’s not just financial. If giving or helping someone leaves you feeling depleted, emotionally spent, physically drained and/or in debt, perhaps it’s time to rethink how, when and why you are doing your giving.
Don’t quit – are you kidding me? Sometimes quitting is the best option. Sometimes you need to change course, put a different cog in the wheel, pause, rethink, change directions, get a divorce and/or start fresh. Quitting can not only be ok, it’s sometimes the best option.
So while I am all for motivation – sometimes you just have to think for yourself and tweak those sayings so that they resonate with your personally!