Find Your Funny
Contributed by Stephanie Staples at Your Life Unlimited
When you want to be more of something, go to the pros – that’s what I did when I wanted to add a little more ‘funny’ to my everyday life and work. Dan Licoppe is the author of the recently published book, Unleash your Inner Comedian.
Dan insists that we have all been funny at one time or another, we have all made someone else laugh and we have all felt the healing effects of easing up tough situations. He wonders out loud if many of us are suppressing our natural sense of humour. Are you? We may do this sub-consciously or consciously for fear of looking unprofessional, fear of being judged, fear of offending. In his book, he outlines many coaching tools to help you find your funny. His book would be especially useful if you have to do any presentations in your work and would like to have people stay awake throughout the entire presentation! Dan also offers stand-up comedy workshops and classes. Check out www.innercomedian.com for more information.
As a professional comedian Dan has learned through the school of hard knocks that stepping up and stepping out to be funny is as tough a job as there is, but as I listened to him speak the qualities I heard him talk about; persistence, boldness, not getting hung up on feedback, calculated risk taking, following your heart – were all characteristics that resonate when you are building success in anything else you do in life.